Paul Spence Teams up With Akester family
to Deliver ‘One Punch’ Talks

Paul Spence has teamed up with Scott Akester’s family to deliver a series of talks for their ‘One Punch Ruins Lives’ campaign, which aims to highlight the threat posed by physical aggression and the ability it has to devastate lives by causing life-changing injuries or death. 

Scott’s mum and dad – Debbie and Steve, joined by Scott’s partner Naomi, teamed up with Paul Spence to speak to construction operatives in the first of a series of talks at a local Sewell Construction site on Wednesday 30th August.  

The family now aims to raise awareness of the dangers surrounding One Punch Attacks and the permanent consequences they can have. To achieve this, Scott’s family now campaign to further spread their story and message as well as fundraising for their new Charity One Punch Hull.  

Paul Spence, the founder of well-known Hull charity, P.A.U.L For Brain Recovery, said: 

“The whole idea of the talk is to raise awareness of the devastating impact of one punch. We hope to prevent lives from being ruined by sharing our stories of trauma and loss. Our final message is STOP, THINK and WALK AWAY.” 

Paul was the victim of a one punch attack in 2012. He subsequently suffered a life-changing brain injury. During his recovery, he recognised a need for community services to enable all survivors the chance for a better future. Paul established the charity in 2016. P.A.U.L For Brain Recovery aims to raise awareness about the varying types of brain injuries, how these change lives and provide a support plan to give the best possible outcome.  

As well as having a significant impact on the service users, the impact spreads further to family and friends and helps all involved improve their health and encourage an active social life. 

Sewell Construction are keen to welcome talks such as this to enable conversation within the workplace to further encourage support within their working community. 

Martin Standley, Project Manager of the Endeavour School construction said: 

“It is vital that we support and look out for both the physical and mental wellbeing of our staff. The workplace we provide is a community and our people are at the heart of that.” 

One of the key points Scott’s family and Paul were keen to highlight in the talk was the frequency in which attacks of this nature happen and how it is always bigger than at first glance, having permanent consequences that ruin the lives of victims and their families. In Scott’s memory, Debbie, Steve & Naomi set up their Charity One Punch Hull & East Yorkshire to spread their story in the hopes they can save other families from the devastation they feel. 

 Debbie said: 

“It is something for us to hold on to and a way to keep Scott’s memory alive”.  

In further action, the family have also set up a petition which is urging the government to pass legislation that would increase sentences for one punch assaults and deaths which would hopefully, in turn, deter future crimes.  

To sign up to the petition visit: 

To find out more about Paul’s charity visit: