As a Group we pledged to support the armed forces veterans and community by signing the Armed Forces Covenant. 

Our pledges cover:  

  • Being an Armed Forces Friend  
  • Helping UK service veterans, leavers, reservists, and cadets get back into the job market 
  • Supporting UK service spouses and partners  
  • Offering flexible leave for spouses 
  • Supporting Armed Forces Day, and Reserve Forces Day as well as other Armed Forces Charities 

We offer Employer Insight Days for our armed forces friends to spend a few hours with our team on one of our live projects, where they’ll be given an insight into the various roles that make up our workforce.  

Following the insights day, there’s the opportunity for individuals to put themselves forward for a two-month paid work placement, with the provision of career and training advice, and the potential to go onto full time work or a traineeship in an area of interest.

Join the team
Armed forces veterens

Thanks a lot for the opportunity the insight day provided me, it was an excellent look into daily responsibilities of a site manager and best routes into the business.

Insight Day attendee Ex-forces